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Stainless Steel Shells

Stainless Steel Shells

We are a reputable manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, and distributor of a large selection of Stainless Steel Shells. To ensure customer pleasure, we only provide premium-quality goods to our customers. Because they are created from the highest quality raw materials available on the market and have long durability, non-corrosive, and compact designs, our products are valued for their long serviceability. This is because they seem evenly finished and are simple to install. They have several great qualities, including smooth finishing, opulent workmanship, and others. These items, which are made from premium raw materials, meet all requirements for industrial quality.

SS 304 Shells, Stainless Steel 316 Shells, SS 321 Shells, Steel 317 Shells, Stainless Steel 347 Shells Exporter & Suppliers.

Long:155 mm
Diameter:17 mm end hole x 45 mm

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