Home Super Duplex Steel Products – Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates & Coils

Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates & Coils

Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates & Coils

Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates, and Coils are highly sought after in the industrial field. They are known for their outstanding qualities and play a key role in many uses that require corrosion resistance, strength, and durability. Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 is a super duplex stainless steel type that works well in challenging settings. Sheets, plates, and coils made from Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 are widely used in industries like oil and gas, chemical processing, desalination plants, naval applications, and offshore platforms. These industries need materials that resist corrosion, high pressure, and temperature changes. Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 meets these standards, which makes it a popular choice for critical applications. Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets are flat-rolled goods with different thicknesses and sizes. They are often used in construction, fabrication, and structural applications. Super Duplex Steel, UNS S32760 plates, are thicker than sheets and are used in many industries, such as chemical processing, power generation, and oil and gas research. With great strength and toughness and good corrosion resistance, these plates can handle harsh chemicals, high temperatures, and high-pressure environments.
The Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Coils are long, continuous steel strips formed into rolls. These coils are used in heat exchangers, condensers, and other places where there needs to be efficient heat movement and good corrosion resistance. Due to their flexibility, coils are easy to place and can be made to fit different needs. This makes them very useful in many industrial settings. One of the best things about Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates, and Coils is that they fight corrosion very well. They resist pitting and rusting in cracks, even in chloride solutions. It makes them great for uses where they will be exposed to seawater, brine solutions, and harsh chemicals. In addition to being corrosion-resistant, Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 has a high tensile strength in addition to being corrosion-resistant. It has a higher yield strength than other austenitic stainless steel so it can handle big loads and pressures. The high tensile strength of this steel makes it a good choice for situations where structural stability is essential. Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 is also essential because it can be welded and shaped. It is easy to weld using standard welding methods, which makes it easy to make and place. The material can also be moulded into different forms and sizes without changing its properties. It makes it useful in many manufacturing processes.
Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates, & Coils are also resistant to stress, rust, cracking, and fatigue. This property ensures that the material keeps its integrity and performance even when loaded and unloaded repeatedly and used in harsh circumstances. It is beneficial in situations where parts are constantly stressed or shaken. Another benefit of Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 is that it is more resistant to erosion and wear. The composition and microstructure of the material make it resistant to abrasive wear. It makes it a good choice for uses involving high-velocity fluids or abrasive media. Also, Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 has good thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion. These qualities can be used in heat transfer devices such as heat exchangers and condensers. The material moves heat well while keeping its shape, so it works best in hot, demanding settings. Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates, and Coils are a cheaper option to higher alloyed materials in some situations. In conclusion, Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates, and Coils are high-quality goods that are very resistant to corrosion, strong, and long-lasting. They are in many industries, such as oil and gas, chemical processing, desalination plants, marine uses, and offshore platforms. With their outstanding qualities, these goods work well even in harsh environments and under high pressure.

Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates & Coils Specifications

Specifications : ASTM A240 / ASME SA240
Standards : ASTM, ASME and API
Thickness of Sheets (Cold Rolled): Ranging from 0.3 mm to 6 mm
Thickness of Plates (Hot Rolled) : Ranging from 3.0 mm to 20 mm
Width : 1000mm, 1219mm, 1500mm, 1800mm, 2000mm, 2500mm, 3000mm, 3500mm, etc
Thickness : 0.01~200mm
Length : 2000mm, 2440mm, 3000mm, 5800mm, 6000mm, etc
Surface and Finish : 2B, 2D, BA, NO.1, NO.4, NO.8, 8K, mirror, checkered, embossed, hair line, sand blast, Brush, etching, etc
Form : Perforated Sheet, Chequered Plate, Flats, Shim Sheet, Foils, Blank (Circle), Ring (Flange) & Angle, Coils, Channel, Strip, etc.

Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates & Coils Equivalent Grades

Super Duplex Steel S32760

Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates & Coils Chemical Composition

Grade Ni Cr N C Mn P S Si Mo Cu Fe
Super Duplex S32760
6.00 – 8.00
24.00 – 26.00
0.20 – 0.30
0.05 max
1.00 max
0.030 max
0.010 max
1.00 max
3.00 – 4.00
0.50 max
57.61 min

Mechanical Properties of Super Duplex Steel UNS S32760 Sheets, Plates & Coils

Grade Density Melting Point Tensile Strength Yield Strength (0.2%Offset) Elongation
Super Duplex S32760
7.8 g/cm3
1350 °C (2460 °F)
Psi – 116000 , MPa – 800
Psi – 80000 , MPa – 550
15 %

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